Wednesday, September 24, 2008

CRM Buzz Interview with Hoyt Mann

I was honored with an interview by the Business Software Advisor regarding self service on the web and assisted knowledge base searching. The interview can be found here.

It is my opinion that the future of customer service and support lies in using multiple channels for customer service and yet give the customer as much assistance with their problem as possible. The assisted knowledge base search helps customers find the answers they need without sifting through a large number of articles. It guides them to pertinant articles within the knowledge base itself, in the FAQ, the forums, the notices, and other places using a single universal search and keywords garnered from the customer's issue. This negates frustrations the customer may have with attempting to use the knowledge base for help.

One of our other new features is subscription to forums so customers can keep up on topics they are interested in rather than visit the Self Service Center to determine if anything new has been posted that is relevant to them. It all comes down to creating a pleasant customer experience and being favored by their loyalty in return.

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