Wednesday, September 24, 2008

CRM Buzz Interview with Hoyt Mann

I was honored with an interview by the Business Software Advisor regarding self service on the web and assisted knowledge base searching. The interview can be found here.

It is my opinion that the future of customer service and support lies in using multiple channels for customer service and yet give the customer as much assistance with their problem as possible. The assisted knowledge base search helps customers find the answers they need without sifting through a large number of articles. It guides them to pertinant articles within the knowledge base itself, in the FAQ, the forums, the notices, and other places using a single universal search and keywords garnered from the customer's issue. This negates frustrations the customer may have with attempting to use the knowledge base for help.

One of our other new features is subscription to forums so customers can keep up on topics they are interested in rather than visit the Self Service Center to determine if anything new has been posted that is relevant to them. It all comes down to creating a pleasant customer experience and being favored by their loyalty in return.

Monday, September 15, 2008


McKinney, TX – PhaseWare Tracker and Self Service Center v., the latest upgrade of the most comprehensive Customer Service and Support solution in the industry, is now available.

PhaseWare Tracker and Self Service Center 3.1 offers even more enterprise-level features made affordable for small to medium businesses.

For incident deflection, both the Self Service Center and Automated E-mail response now have the capability to offer suggested solutions related to a customer’s issue. Self Service Center uses the Assisted Knowledge Base Search: for each potential incident entered by a customer, the Self Service Center offers links to possible solutions prior to incident escalation. Successful solutions are tagged and the incident entry is not completed. For each incident submission initiated through e-mail the Event Engine feature automatically responds with potential solutions to the issue. Successful solutions are tagged and the incident is closed. Both features are optional.

Customers stay on top of the latest information of interest using the subscription option for the Self Service Center. Customers are notified via e-mail or RSS feed of new content in any of the Self Service Center applications related to their interests.

Increased operational efficiencies are realized with e-mail and incident journal enhancements, and new customer level file storage. Now e-mail and incident journals are drag and drop enabled for easy file attachment. E-mail recipient selection is quicker than before. Customer level records allow attachment of files and documents such as contracts, service agreements, and other customer specific documentation. These files are optionally available to the customer through the Self Service Center on a per-folder and file basis. Outside contacts can be authorized to attach documents as well.

There are many other productivity enhancements available with this update. To see more visit PhaseWare, Inc..

PhaseWare, Inc. is a North Texas-based customer support software provider offering solutions for a diverse group of clients world-wide. PhaseWare Tracker, Event Engine and Self Service Center solutions provide customer support process automation, tracking, escalation, and resolution of trouble tickets from origin to close, along with a wide variety of self service options.

PhaseWare, Inc. was founded by CEO Randall Nelson and Company President Hoyt Mann.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

4 Ways to Add Strategic Value to Your Customer Service Desk

Smart companies have realized their customer support desks have strategic value. The Service Desk can:

  1. Operate as a profit center rather than a cost center
  2. Handle business growth without adding headcount.
  3. Improve communication internally throughout the organization and externally to customers.
  4. Leverage existing IT investments while implementing next generation technology.


Since the service desk already has contact with the customer, there is the chance to up-sell or cross-sell.

Through automation and self service, more business can be handled by the same number of staff. Moreover, incidents can be tracked from end-to-end.

Through knowledge management, the same information is available to everyone from the service desk to the self service center. Everyone from customers to internal staff will receive the same answer to a particular question.

Existing IT solutions can be integrated with a next generation customer service solution that can scale with the company's growth.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

5 Ways to Automate Customer Support Processes

"The service desk is the centerpiece of a successful IT Service Management operation."

So states ITIL - the IT Infrastructure Library. One of the marks of success is efficiently resolving problems. But when the number of problems becomes large enough, some processes are missed, leaving some customers thinking that the service desk isn't serving them very well at all. Tickets are not escalated properly. Resolutions are slow in coming. Calls are not closed in a timely manner. Incidents are poorly recorded and tracked.

Many of the processes that bog down when handled manually can be automated so the system takes care of the busy work, leaving agents to handle calls. Here are 5 ways automation can help your IT Management operation, or any other help desk operation, succeed.

1. Automatically escalate tickets to higher support levels along with an automatic notification of a new issue.

2. Automatically create tickets from e-mails rather than manually transferring information from the e-mail system to the incident management system.

3. Automatically update customers about their open issues. Always communicate in a timely manner with the customer, even if the news is not good or is only "still waiting".

4. Automatically receive alerts about increased activity. Promptly discover backed up phone queues, increased activity on the part of one customer, or if an SLA is about to be missed.

5. Automatically receive or send reports via e-mail on a predetermined basis.

Each of these steps is one (or more) fewer tasks for the agents to cope with. This leaves them to do the important work: helping customers.

To learn more about help desk automation, go to for information on the PhaseWare Event Engine, which works with Tracker to take customer service to a whole new level.