Your customers are becoming more web oriented every day. For some of them it is their preferred method of communication. They don't want to have to call and talk to someone just to get a new version of a user's manual. They are fully capable of downloading the latest software version and installing it themselves, thank you very much. They want to contact others with the same product and share experiences. They want to be able to search for answers themselves.
An investment in a self service center solution will pay for itself many times over by deflecting support calls for routine or minor requests. When a support call can cost so much and a web portal could can perform many of the same functions, wouldn't it be prudent to offer this channel? It is a win-win. Your save money. Your customer saves time. Done well, a self support solution can help retain customers and bring new ones on board. You can grow your business without growing the support budget.
Link to an example of a self service center solution.
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16 years ago